Pyjamas, getting laid, school and Music....it's all here.
 Courtesy of
Interviews, Jade-V and private e-mail.
Education: "Stay in school. It's worth a lot more then you think it is. If anything it builds social skills
                 Yes we (Catherine) finished school and some college. That's why we get along so well
                 HAHA!!" - Mark Rew
Catherine: "I heard about Catherine through a friend of mine that told me how much they sucked,
                    so I never went to see them play live. At the time it was only Neil and Jerome with a
                   drum machine. Then later, Jerome Brown asked me to join the band so I finally got
                   round to seeing a live show. Kerry and Cliff were in the band by then. I was at the next
                   rehearsal." -Mark Rew

Best time to listen to Catherine: "That'd be between 2:30 and 4:30 in the morning, when you're
                                                        slightly high, intoxicated and looking to get laid.  If you can
                                                        make it through to 4:30 you WILL get laid...even if it's only by
                                                       yourself!" - Kerry Brown

New Years Resolutions: "I will not drink anything I can't pronounce" - Mark Rew

Life Motto: "Have a good time all the time" - Kerry Brown

The next video: "Actually, I am thinking of a Catholic schoolgirl uniform...could be sexy"
                            - Mark Rew

Keith leaving the band: "I'm planning a kidnapping mission to drag him back here. I've hired
                                        Chuck Norris as my delta force commando. I feel confident." - Gussy

Christmas: "I celebrate Christmas although I'm agnostic. We usually go to France to spend it and
                   New Years with my wifes' family. It's really cool there for the holidays. Great wine and
                   food and Christmas is not so commercialized." - Mark Rew

Jade-V fights: " dammit, don't make me pull this thing over! i will i swear! then we'll turn right
                        around and go home.  no grand canyon, no disneyland, nothing! " - Gussy

Pyjamas: "  The bottoms are these ultra cheap plaid cotton flanels and for a top, i wear this ancient
                   completely worn out and thread bare t-shirt that i had borrowed from d'arcy a few
                   years ago. it's really softy and makes me feel goody when i wear it. " - Mark Rew

* if anyone has anymore....let me know :o). Thanks RK*