Jade-V Catherine Mailing List
To subscribe to jade-V just follow the instructions below and soon you will be posting and reading the words of the lovely (but sometimes insane) Jade-V members. Feel free to join in the fights, arguing, jokes and un-related posts.
Just watch out for a flying FAQ if you step out of line :oP.

Write a message to majordomo@jade-v.com containing the body (not subject) reading subscribe catherine EMAIL, replacing EMAIL with your e-mail address ( i.e. somebody@server.com)."


Jade-V Member Photos

TJ (Aquad, Hannahfan *he gets two pics because he is my best friend and he's so cute hehe*)


            L-R Megan B, Aneyi, Jayne, Jessy                        Steph (cobain666)


      Nick (Pulsar00)             Griff (Megastar66)        Stacy (tristessaB)

 Trent (Mr Fulflej)                       Erin (Spningish)                         Stacie (Dwretzky)

                  Bob (Bob Armendariz)                                     Shelley (Sroye)


                     Tristan (888)                                                            Christina